About ANC5E
ANC 5E is located in Ward 5 of Washington, D.C., and is made up of six Single Member Districts (SMDs), that each represent approximately 2000 people.
The boundaries for Ward 5 and ANC 5E were redrawn in 2022 as a result of the census and redistricting.
The ANC 5E boundaries are established under D.C. Public Law 24-148 Advisory Neighborhood Commission Boundaries Act of 2022:
"Beginning at the intersection of Irving Street, N.E., and Michigan Avenue, N.E.; then southwest along Michigan Avenue, N.E.; then southeast along Franklin Street, N.E.; then southwest along Lincoln Road, N.E.; then southwest along Rhode Island Avenue, N.E.; then south along North Capitol Street; then southwest along New York Avenue, N.W.; then northwest along New Jersey Avenue, N.W.; then northeast along Rhode Island Avenue, N.W.; then north along 2nd Street, N.W.; then east along Bryant Street, N.W.; then north along 1st Street, N.W.; then northwest along Michigan Avenue, N.W., to the point where its eastbound and westbound lanes diverge; then northwest along westbound Michigan Avenue, N.W., to its intersection with Park Place, N.W.; then north along Park Place, N.W., to its intersection with Irving Street, N.W.; then east along Irving Street, N.W., and continuing east along Irving Street, N.E., to the point of beginning."
Residents can locate their Single Member District and Advisory Neighborhood Commission here.Â
A map of the 5E boundaries is available here.